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7 signs your wisdom teeth needs to be removed

Pain is never something that should be ignored. If you are experiencing wisdom teeth pain talk to your dentist. And, even if you are not experiencing pain, talk to your dentist about monitoring the position of your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth removal is necessary for approximately 85% of adults—either because they have impacted wisdom teeth that are causing them problems or because the risk of complications is high. Many family dentistry experts...

Patients guide to sedation dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry? Sedation dentistry goes by several names – conscious sedation, sleep dentistry, relaxation dentistry or oral sedation – but the effect is the same. Your pain and anxiety are kept under control as you remain just below the level of consciousness during your dental procedure. Because you are thoroughly relaxed and comfortable, the doctor can perform procedures that might ordinarily take years to complete in only one...

Floss or not to floss

If you follow any social media site I’m sure you’ve come across the recent “controversy” over flossing. Within the past week I have been asked numerous times my thoughts on this subject. I’d love to share, but first a little background.The controversy began when the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services dropped the recommendation for daily flossing from their Dietary Guidelines. Their reason for dropping the...

The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

While general dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing and treating oral disease, cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of a person's teeth and smile. In other words restorative, general and/or family dental practices address dental problems that require necessary treatment, whereas cosmetic dentistry provides elective – or desired – treatments or services. Cosmetic dentistry may also provide...

How Long Is Too Long Before Seeing A Dentist

Although most people cringe when thinking about visiting a dentist, it is an important part of a solid oral health routine. Taking care of your teeth is essential. A healthy mouth will have a positive effect on your overall health. It is wise to learn how often you should visit your dental care provider, the importance of regular checkups, and why procrastinating can cause major problems and expenses.How Often You Should Receive a Dental...

Dentist that accepts Care Credit as a form of dental financing

The cost of your treatment will vary, depending on your individual needs and treatment plan. We will discuss the cost of your treatment and each of your available payment options with you before you begin, so you can make the best choice for you.When your child needs extensive dental work, you have to decide how you will pay for it. While some people have dental insurance, it doesn't always cover all the expenses. Dental financing plans, like...

Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Finding the best dentist is a bit difficult, but finding a good dentist can be an easier task. Best dentist are commonly associated with up-selling dental work you do not need, constantly contacts you when you don’t want, or they do not really care about your health as much as they care about their pocket book. Patients generally hate going to the dentist, whether it is because of the sounds, drills, cost, smell, anxiety, bad memories,...

Smoking and Dental Implants: What You Need to Know

We understand that most smokers know that they are more likely to suffer dental issues, such as gum disease and tooth loss than nonsmokers. However, what many don’t realize is that smoking can have an impact on tooth replacement as well, especially if an implant-based reconstruction is the desired option.If you’re interested in implant reconstruction, you should know that while most smokers have excellent results, tobacco use does...

The guide to dental implants

What is a Dental Implant? Dental implants are the treatment of choice for people missing one, a few, or all of their teeth, and for those with failing teeth or severe periodontal disease. A dental implant is essentially a titanium substitute for a natural tooth root, rooted in the bone, and implants replace, look and perform like natural teeth. The need for plastic on the roof of the mouth, or adhesives and denture creams is eliminated. More...

Parents guide for dental health for kids

Prior to baby’s birth, and by the third week post conception, the baby’s mouth starts to form. Over the next few weeks, the tongue, jaws and palate develop as well. During the sixth week, formation of embryonic cells or tooth buds that eventually form into teeth commences. By eight weeks, the tooth buds of all of the primary (baby) teeth can be discerned; by twenty weeks, the tooth buds of permanent teeth start to develop. Post birth, the...

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign DentistMany adults don’t want to have their teeth straightened...
The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

While general dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing and...
Floss or not to floss

Floss or not to floss

If you follow any social media site I’m sure you’ve come across the recent...
Parents guide for dental health for kids

Parents guide for dental health for kids

Prior to baby’s birth, and by the third week post conception, the baby’s...
Patients guide to sedation dentistry

Patients guide to sedation dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry? Sedation dentistry goes by several names –...
The guide to dental implants

The guide to dental implants

What is a Dental Implant? Dental implants are the treatment of choice for...
Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Finding the best dentist is a bit difficult, but finding a good dentist can be...
Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Today, I want to talk about dental emergencies that we see in the dental office...
Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

When you need a root canal? If the cause of your teeth pain is serious decay...
Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Dental problems for kids may arise suddenly. When a tooth becomes dislodged or...
When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

TeethingTeething, the process of baby (primary) teeth coming through the gums...
What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?Tooth brushing is one of the most...
Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)Parents are often concerned...
How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?Good oral hygiene removes bacteria and the left...
Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing tips for kidsStarting at birth, clean your child's gums with a soft...